
Showing posts from July, 2021

15 Down...15 To Go!

As I write this Dad is sitting on my deck in Morden enjoying the beautiful (hot) weather. Yesterday was his 15th treatment...we are half way there. After 15 radiation treatments he is still showing no sign of ill effects or side effects. He is doing AMAZING!! This evening we are going to The Passion Play in La Riviere, so Morden is our rest stop/relaxation depot before we head out for the evening (plus I get to be in my own house for a few hours)!! Tomorrow Mom will hand the reigns over to me for a couple of days while she takes a much needed break and heads home to Shoal Lake! This is where Dad and I change roles and I become his caregiver! Good thing Mom is the one who taught me how to cook so at least I won't poison the ol' man! He and I will either take this as what it is....a bonding moment...or we will just sit there and stare at each other...gonna be interesting! Dad had his 3rd lab day on Wednesday and again his levels came back amazing...his platelets are a bit lower a

That's A Wrap on Week 2!!

 "Time flies when you are having fun"...but we have discovered that time flies when you are not having so much fun as well! How is it that 2 weeks of treatment are done? Or will be by the time I publish this update today! I just came back from Mom and Dad's camper with an updated selfie of the 3 of us so you all know how good Dad actually looks and how good he is actually doing, instead of it just being hearsay! He is doing AWESOME!! No side effects...just sleeps a bit more!! Mom has Dad on a pretty regimented schedule and doesn't allow him to waver too far away from it so that is huge when it comes to his fight and recovery. Their morning starts at 8am with porridge and his Anti-Nausea Pill, 930am she makes him a huge healthy breakfast and he takes his Chemo Pill, at 10am he takes his Anti Seizure Pill and starts getting ready to leave for his Radiation Treatment. They usually leave the campground around 11-1115am as his appointment is around 1210pm. Yesterday they w

Week One Done and It Went Well...

 One down, Five to go! It has been a week of learning, waiting, appointments, waiting, visiting and did I say waiting?? Dad has officially finished his first week of treatments and it has made me admire him all the more! He is such a strong man and such a trooper...still my hero (that will never change)! After his first treatment day last this past Monday, I received the following text..."That's one day done and it went well. I feel no different"...these words made me smile instantly. My Dad has always been one of little words...unless he really wants to get his point across or if he is telling stories. This experience certainly has him talking a lot more, which I am enjoying every minute of! Their days have consisted of getting up in the morning, Mom makes sure Dad has some porridge in his tummy before she gives him his Chemo Pill, they then eat a hearty breakfast (its good that his appetite is still good), for those of you that know my Dad personally, he can afford to p

"Everyday is One Day Closer to Monday..."

Well I said I wouldn't update the Blog until treatment started but this morning I am full of all the feels! This morning my parents packed up their summer home and moved it to the campground where they will be staying in Winnipeg for the next 6 weeks.  I haven't had a good cry in the past 3 weeks as I keep telling myself I have to be strong. Why do we as a human race make our own lives so difficult? If we were not suppose to cry the Good Lord wouldn't have made it so we could. It is starting to be come real to me...I think this last few weeks I have been living in a dream world where have been convincing myself that nothing is going to change and that the Dad I had coffee with this morning will be the same strong man throughout these next 6 weeks. Truth is, because he has been so strong and looks as healthy as ever it was easy to think that! But I have to realize that starting Monday, my Dad is going to be putting poison into his body and getting radiation pumped into his b