"Everyday is One Day Closer to Monday..."

Well I said I wouldn't update the Blog until treatment started but this morning I am full of all the feels! This morning my parents packed up their summer home and moved it to the campground where they will be staying in Winnipeg for the next 6 weeks. 

I haven't had a good cry in the past 3 weeks as I keep telling myself I have to be strong. Why do we as a human race make our own lives so difficult? If we were not suppose to cry the Good Lord wouldn't have made it so we could. It is starting to be come real to me...I think this last few weeks I have been living in a dream world where have been convincing myself that nothing is going to change and that the Dad I had coffee with this morning will be the same strong man throughout these next 6 weeks. Truth is, because he has been so strong and looks as healthy as ever it was easy to think that! But I have to realize that starting Monday, my Dad is going to be putting poison into his body and getting radiation pumped into his brain to kill the monster that dwells in there. When I see him on the 12th of July, he will have endured the first week of his treatments. Will I see the Happy Stress-Free Father that I have known my entire life, or will I see a tired man fighting the battle of his life?

My Dad has always been my Rock, my Hero, my pick-me-up when I was down...now our roles may change. It is time for him to depend on me to be those things for him! It is time for me to give the pep-talks that HE can get through anything put in his way, HE can endure what ever trial and tribulation HE has to go through, HE will come out fighting on the other end, HE can beat this...I just hope and pray I can be what HE needs during this battle...I have to convince myself! 

Mom has been so strong during all of this, that it is truly amazing to witness. She has been Dad's constant for 50 years, she has been his Wife, Best Friend and confidant for an extremely long time! She is one strong lady and I admire her for her Love, Devotion and Strength. Helmut and Rosana Neufeld are a team/force to be reckoned with. I am sure she will also need me to be her strength at some point during these next 6 weeks. There will be times where she will need a break and will come to my camper just to "get away"...and that is OK! She will need time to gather her thoughts, cry and just be free to rest and rejuvenate herself. I will be whatever she needs me to be for her.

My husband has been amazing through all of this as well...I looked at him the other day and told him that he was allowed to cry. His response..."I am crying on the inside, but you need to see me be strong on the outside". What a man! It's because of him that I am staying so put together through all of this. I thank God every day for bringing David into my life. 

At breakfast this morning as we were sitting around the picnic table I mentioned how today felt like it was Sunday as Mom and Dad and Ron and Lise were packing up their campers to head to Winnipeg. Everyone agreed that all our days were melting into one and how the summer was going to be so different. Dad's response "It doesn't matter what day it is, every day is just one day closer to Monday!"

~Picture taken just before they moved the camper out of Austin, July 2, 2021~

People have been asking for the Go Fund Me Link so I am going to post it at the end of each post. Any monies that are raised that Mom and Dad do not use for medical expenses will be donated and paid forward to another important cause. We want to thank everyone in advance for their support.


  1. We are praying for Helmut and for all of you as you support him through this. May God's peace and strength be yours.

  2. Sending prayers and positive thought. Merv Anderson


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