15 Down...15 To Go!

As I write this Dad is sitting on my deck in Morden enjoying the beautiful (hot) weather. Yesterday was his 15th treatment...we are half way there. After 15 radiation treatments he is still showing no sign of ill effects or side effects. He is doing AMAZING!! This evening we are going to The Passion Play in La Riviere, so Morden is our rest stop/relaxation depot before we head out for the evening (plus I get to be in my own house for a few hours)!!

Tomorrow Mom will hand the reigns over to me for a couple of days while she takes a much needed break and heads home to Shoal Lake! This is where Dad and I change roles and I become his caregiver! Good thing Mom is the one who taught me how to cook so at least I won't poison the ol' man! He and I will either take this as what it is....a bonding moment...or we will just sit there and stare at each other...gonna be interesting!

Dad had his 3rd lab day on Wednesday and again his levels came back amazing...his platelets are a bit lower as well as is white cell count but his hemoglobin is higher then when he started. We definitely thank the Lord for these results. Thanks of course also goes to Mom as she has him very regimented with his pill taking/eating etc. (I hope I don't mess anything up, I know I won't but it is still nerve wracking!) Dad asked his nurses to take a picture of him in his Radiation get-up so you all know that he really is going through all of this (lol)!!

We have had very full days with treatments and visitors in the evenings that every day seems to be flying by. It is truly touching to see just how many people have been touched in some way by my Dad and Mom over the years. Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to either come visit or call to say hello and that they are thinking of my parents. Their dear friend Pete Legace from Barrie Ontario sent a very heartfelt and touching gift to all of us the other day! If anyone else would like one please let me know and we will see what we can do!

Please keep the prayers coming! We all have others in our lives that are going through terrible things. We are keeping you all in our prayers as well...if you have anything we can pray for please let us know!

People have been asking for the Go Fund Me Link so I am going to post it at the end of each post. Any monies that are raised that Mom and Dad do not use for medical expenses will be donated and paid forward to another important cause. We want to thank everyone in advance for their support.


  1. Thanks for updating. We really look forward to finding out how it is going. We are thankful to hear that it is going so well to this point. May that continue. Blessings to all.

  2. So glad to hear things are going so well. Praying for you daily. ♥️Bob and Yvonne


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