Week One Done and It Went Well...

 One down, Five to go! It has been a week of learning, waiting, appointments, waiting, visiting and did I say waiting??

Dad has officially finished his first week of treatments and it has made me admire him all the more! He is such a strong man and such a trooper...still my hero (that will never change)! After his first treatment day last this past Monday, I received the following text..."That's one day done and it went well. I feel no different"...these words made me smile instantly. My Dad has always been one of little words...unless he really wants to get his point across or if he is telling stories. This experience certainly has him talking a lot more, which I am enjoying every minute of!

Their days have consisted of getting up in the morning, Mom makes sure Dad has some porridge in his tummy before she gives him his Chemo Pill, they then eat a hearty breakfast (its good that his appetite is still good), for those of you that know my Dad personally, he can afford to put on a few pounds...but with his metabolism...I highly doubt that will happen! He then has to take his Anti-Nausea Pill and his Anti-Seizure Pill. They are then off to Cancer Care for his radiation treatment which happens every day at 1210pm. Then back to the camper to rest and go on adventures or have company depending on how Dad is feeling. This is repeated every day Monday-Friday with 2 days off from Radiation Saturday and Sunday, Chemo Pills are taken everyday including the weekends.

Every Wednesday is Lab Work Day, so he has to get blood work done before treatments, they then wait until the doctors call with the blood results. This past Wednesday his blood work was perfect (as perfect as a person with cancer can have), so that was very awesome news!

Their evenings have been filled with visitors and travelling to see people (dependant on how Dad feels). They are both extremely thankful for the thoughts and prayers that have been coming their way and of course the financial blessings that they have received. Certainly takes some of the stress away! They will always welcome visitors, but if you plan to visit please either contact Mom or myself to see how Dad is doing that particular day. As long as his immune system is strong it shouldn't be an issue.

This coming Monday (July 12th) my husband will be pulling our camper from Austin to the campground in Winnipeg so I can be with them for the remainder of this round of treatments. I am truly bless to be working for a company that puts family first. I have only been there since December but they have set me up 100% to work from the campground when I can! My boss told me yesterday that if I only work 15 minutes a day and Dad needs me for the rest of the time, then so be it...he is my #1 priority! How awesome is that?

It will be easier for me to do these updates when I am there as well, since I will be able to see for myself and not rely on Mom to fill me in. So for now that is basically it! I will update when I have something to update. Thank you to everyone who is following this Blog...it really surprises me when I see the statistics of everyone reading and the locations they are reading from. Over 5000 people have seen the blog from as far as South Korea. CRAZY!!

People have been asking for the Go Fund Me Link so I am going to post it at the end of each post. Any monies that are raised that Mom and Dad do not use for medical expenses will be donated and paid forward to another important cause. We want to thank everyone in advance for their support.


  1. My prayers are with Helmut and Rosanna and the family. I met Helmut few times and he's a very nice man. Rosanna and Helmut were and are great friends with my parents and been there when we went though similar situation with our father last year.

    God bless you and I pray for Helmut to beat this cancer

  2. Please give your Dad my best wishes. Met him on a course when I first transferred to Manitoba and have always considered him to be one of the most genuine and friendliest individuals I have ever met. If he has time he can give me a call at 204 294-1867. I would love to see him if he is up for a visit. Ray Kolstad

  3. Thank you for the update! We have been wondering. We keep praying! Blessings to all of you.

  4. We have been praying for Helmut, Rosanna and family and will continue as you walk this journey together. Your stories of seeing God's hand at work are such a blessing!
    David & Brenda Isaak

  5. Hi Shannon and Thank you for doing this and keeping us all informed..Please tell your Dad & Mom that we are all holding them up before our LORD in prayer ..It must be so difficult but we can only carry on one day at a time as we remember that "UNDERNEATH ARE THE LORDS EVERLASTING ARMS " holding us up.. I sure miss HELMUT , my brother in CHRIST and my OLD IRON CLUB buddy...With my love and prayers...get well and come home soon !! George Isaak


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