That's A Wrap on Week 2!!

 "Time flies when you are having fun"...but we have discovered that time flies when you are not having so much fun as well! How is it that 2 weeks of treatment are done? Or will be by the time I publish this update today! I just came back from Mom and Dad's camper with an updated selfie of the 3 of us so you all know how good Dad actually looks and how good he is actually doing, instead of it just being hearsay! He is doing AWESOME!! No side effects...just sleeps a bit more!!

Mom has Dad on a pretty regimented schedule and doesn't allow him to waver too far away from it so that is huge when it comes to his fight and recovery. Their morning starts at 8am with porridge and his Anti-Nausea Pill, 930am she makes him a huge healthy breakfast and he takes his Chemo Pill, at 10am he takes his Anti Seizure Pill and starts getting ready to leave for his Radiation Treatment. They usually leave the campground around 11-1115am as his appointment is around 1210pm. Yesterday they were back at the campground by 1220 (10min after his appointment) so they have managed to get in early most days! He sleeps for about 2 hours when they get home and then everyday there is someone that comes to visit (we have had 1 day without visitors, but we went and visited Aunt Barb that day). The only days this schedule changes are on Wednesdays (Lab/Blood work day), and on Saturday and Sunday when he only takes his Chemo Pills and doesn't have to be in for Radiation.

Speaking of Lab/Blood work day, this past Wednesday was of course the second Wednesday in this process. We are happy to announce that even though his levels are slightly lower then they were, they are still in the range of where they should be! So his body is still fighting the way it should be. We definitely know that this will probably change in the future but for now we rejoice in the Lord for Dad's continued strength (and of course his 24/7 nurse (Mom), keeping him on the straight and narrow). She deserves not one but many feathers in her cap!

I have been here since Monday, working remotely and spending as much time as possible with my folks. I couldn't do this if it wasn't for a very understanding husband and kids, but also the amazing company that I work for! I started working for Valley Fiber in Winkler this past December and they have been nothing short of amazing! They have set me up to work 100% remotely from here so I can be with Dad and Mom during this crazy time. Thank you to the management and my coworkers for allowing me to be here! Valley Fiber you are a top notch company!

~ My Desk in the Camper ~

So that is a wrap on Week #2, hopefully only 4 more weeks to go...I say that because he has to get in 30 Radiation treatments so dependent on how he feels will determine how long they are here for! Again if you would like to come for a visit please call Mom or myself first to see how Dad is doing. We really appreciate all the prayers, food (our fridges are full of our own groceries as everyone brings food when they visit), friends visiting, phone calls, etc. Thank you from the bottoms of our hearts!

People have been asking for the Go Fund Me Link so I am going to post it at the end of each post. Any monies that are raised that Mom and Dad do not use for medical expenses will be donated and paid forward to another important cause. We want to thank everyone in advance for their support.


  1. Hi! Have you thought about setting up an account at a central bank?
    Go Fund Me takes 3% off the top and can take 6-8 weeks to pay out funds collected….
    Good Luck and hugs to all!

  2. Hi to all of you, thanks for such good updates! Irwin just said that Helmut is not far from his thoughts every day! We will be in on the 30th and will see you guys then. 😀 hugs to all, we are praying for your family.


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