“Daddy I am Here”

So many thoughts going thru my mind as I sit here listening to Dad breathe beside me. There was no reaction when I came in his room this evening after being gone for a week, he didn’t squeeze my hand and he didn’t give me a kiss…but I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”.

I talk to him like I talk to Jesus while I pray. I don’t get an audible response but I continue to tell him about my week of District Governor training, I tell him I am here safely, I tell him it’s ok to go home to Heaven. I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”.

Mom went home when I got here, she needs to rest. It was hard for her to go but Dad knows she loves him and I know he is a peace with her taking the rest she needs. I tell him every hour how much we all love him. I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”.

Jason is on his way to the hospital. Says he won’t stay the night, just wants to come to see his Dad. This is so hard on all of us, but we will get thru as a family unit. Our patriarch is going before us to get things ready for our reunion. I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”.

I can hear the tick tock of the clock on the wall. The minutes go by and turn into hours. Dads breathing is steady, not laboured. I tell him Jason is on the way. I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”.

Will the Angels come tonight? Is Jesus ready for my Dad to come home? I tell him Grandma, Grandpa, Opi and Omi are waiting for him. I am told he can hear me… “Daddy it’s ok for you to go home”.


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