Go Eat Your Breakfast....

As I sit here looking over the campground which has been inundated with smoke from the Northern Manitoba Forest Fires...its hard to think that we are already on week 5 of Dad's Treatments. Whats even harder to believe is that Dad still hasn't experienced ANY adverse reactions to his treatments. Yes you read that correctly...he is still doing AMAZING and looks as healthy as he did on May 28th (the day before this all happened)!!

We have been super blessed with how well things are going for him. I keep waiting for the shoe to fall but the way things are looking...I don't think it is going to! We have chosen to live in the Faith that Dad can be completely healed from this cancer. There have been so many prayers sent up for him that it really is humbling! Last week Tuesday Dad went for a walk in the morning to bring the garbage out...there he met and East Indian man who was eating his breakfast beside his camper. Dad being Dad made small talk and asked this gentleman what was for breakfast....the man said a bagel and asked Dad what he was having. Dad told him he couldn't eat just yet since he was undergoing Cancer treatments and had to eat at a certain time. With that the gentleman asked Dad if he could pray for him!! Dad of course said yes (thinking that it would be an islamic prayer or something other than Christian), to his surprise the gentleman prayed the most powerful prayer that Dad has heard to Jesus and God (he was a Born Again Christian). He prayed in his language as well as English...after he was done he looked at Dad and told him to go eat his breakfast as he Cancer was gone!! Now that is FAITH!! Of course Dad is still continuing on with his treatments as he believes that God created the doctors and they know what they are doing...but we live in the Faith beyond the Facts, that Lord willing Dad's tumour will be gone at his next MRI. What a Testament that will be!

This past weekend we all took a little break from camping and went to our homes for the weekend. I left on Thursday so I was able to work from my office on Friday. Mom and Dad left on Saturday and headed to Austin to visit with friends and family there (this would have been Reunion weekend if it wasn't for COVID). They had a fabulous day visiting with everyone and being in their happy place. They went from there to Minnedosa so see Jason who also happens to be fighting a battle right now. He is in the hospital dealing with Diabetic Foot. Please keep him in your prayers as well that his foot will be completely healed and he will not be looking at surgery to deal with it in a way that none of us want to think about. They were able to visit with him a few times which lifted his spirits greatly. I was able to get home as well and see my family which was awesome. David is now on his way North to work in The Pas for the next bit, so it was nice to be together for the weekend.

Thank you to everyone that has blessed Dad with visits and phone calls...this week Thursday (depending on how he feels) they will be going to The Bomber game....which will be loads of fun for them. I'll stay home with the dogs! Again if you wish to come and visit please call Mom or I first to see how things are going!

People have been asking for the Go Fund Me Link so I am going to post it at the end of each post. Any monies that are raised that Mom and Dad do not use for medical expenses will be donated and paid forward to another important cause. We want to thank everyone in advance for their support.


  1. Tom and I are so glad that all is going well so far. Helmut's a tough guy, even though we know cancer is a very difficult disease to overcome, even for tough guys. Also good to know that you all are able to take breaks and see friends and family. When Tom was in the hospital for 19 days after an accident at his work, where he was burned, it was important for me to leave Minneapolis and go home for a day or so, even if only to check the mail and the pets.

    Although I thought we could come visit, with this new surge in the virus, I don't know if Canada wants us there. We'll see. This week we have all the girls and husbands and the 4 grandkids coming on the weekend. Hope we will still be sane at the end of it. BTW, Emily and Nick are here early and say hi and best wishes.

  2. It was so good to see your Dad and Mom last Friday. Hearing Helmut tell the story about the East Indian man praying for him was a moving experience I wasn't the only one with a tear in my eye at the end of the story. It also gave me goosebumps hearing the ending. I pray that the miracle has happened in Helmut's body!!


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