Well F*ck!!

Let see if I can write this thru the many tears I am shedding! The MRI results are in and they are not good at all!

The BEAST has grown substantially and Dr Peats feels that there are tentacles behind the tumour that can’t be seen with the MRI! Because of this the decision was made to cancel all future Chemo Treatments. The plan is to increase his steroid in hopes to give him a better quality of life! So there you have it…the plan going forward is to make Dad as comfortable as possible and pray he can move to Heaven as pain free and peacefully as possible! I haven’t cried this much in months but man is my heart breaking!

This summer has been filled with memory making and spending quality time with both Mom and Dad. We spent every weekend at the camper and did all the things. I have noticed a decline almost weekly in Dad, but I just pushed it aside in hopes that I wasn’t really seeing what I was seeing and still holding the dream that my Dad would live forever! It has been so hard to see such a strong independent man lose that strength and all that independence!! 

He has fought a tremendous battle these past 2.5 years and I admire him for his perseverance!! Don’t think I could do it as valiantly as he has! I pray that if I ever have to I can do just as he has done!

Please don’t bombard Mom and Dad with phone calls…give them a few days to process. They are setting up Home Care for when Mom needs help as well as getting everything ready for Palliative when the time comes! (I can’t believe I just typed that 🥹).

Thank you again for all your prayers and support over these past 2.5 years…we are grateful to all you your for your love and support. 

Please pray that we can navigate this new “normal” as a family and pray for the support I know we will need! Thanks for reading this Blog…I will continue to update…I just don’t know what I will say!

Love you all!

Shannon ~ for The Neufelds 


  1. I don't know what to say, I'm breaking up, hugs and prayers.


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