No movement is Good movement…

RCMP Regimental Ball - June 24, 2023

I just got a text from Mom “My phone is ringing off the hook, we need a Blog update!!” LOL!! I guess you are all pretty dependant on this crazy novel of mine!

Dad has been doing awesome since his last MRI. He amazes us on a daily basis with just how good he is doing. With as good as he is doing we do see anything that is out of wack. Lately his short term memory hasn’t been the greatest…but then again he never really has had a great memory, for the most part! Also Mom has noticed him slowing down a bit and a couple of weeks ago his left leg gave out, but with rest he regained his strength and was good to go that evening.

We celebrated their 51st Wedding Anniversary on June 10th, so that is another milestone we didn’t expect to celebrate, and I got another Father’s Day in the books with him! Next is his 75th Birthday August 10th! Every extra day we get to spend with him is a blessing from God!

Wednesday this week was MRI day. After being poked about 4 times and having the MRI, he wasn’t feeling the greatest so Mom got him back to the hotel for a rest right after. She said after he ate something in the evening he felt a lot better. On Thursday they went to visit a fellow retired RCMP Officer in Gimli area, they had a pontoon ride and a great visit.

Today was lab and oncology day! We are still waiting to hear about his platelets, but I know that isn’t the information you are all waiting for! The BEAST is still there, but it hasn’t grown any and it hasn’t shrunk any…so no movement is good movement! The only thing the Dr noted is there is some swelling in the area, which he thinks is the reason for the memory loss and the leg weakness. So all in all it was a good news day! Now we wait for the platelet counts to see when the next round of chemo will be!

Prayers needed are: Swelling to go down, Memory to be bright, Strength to be restored, BEAST to leave, and last but not least Mom’s sanity to remain, her strength to continue, and their love to remain strong as they journey this long road!

Thanks again for reading my ramblings! My main prayer that everyone who reads these knows that we serve a Mighty God who is Good to us all the time!

Happy Canada Day!!


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