2 Years and Counting...

Time flies when you are having fun?!?!? Has it been fun though? I guess some parts have been fun...others I could have done away with!

Today is 2 years to the day that Mom woke up to Dad having his Seizures, today is 2 years since our world changed forever, today is 2 years since I thought my time with my Dad was up, today is 2 years!!

Dad is doing AMAZING by the way...Mom and I were discussing how he is actually looking younger! His hair has grown back thicker and it is no longer grey. He doesn't even have grey in his eyebrows anymore. I went to the movies yesterday here in Winkler and the guy sold me a Seniors Ticket (I'm only 45, so what if my hair is grey)...Dad would probably have to prove he is a Senior with how good he looks!

He of course still has his rough days and his memory may not be as good as it once was...but hey the man has been fighting a Brain BEAST for 2 years, give him some slack! We now just wait for the next MRI to see where this journey takes us next. I pray that the BEAST has moved on.

We have camped the last 2 weekends at our happy place so it has been great spending time with Mom and Dad.

There are so many other people in our lives that are going through worse trials then us at that moment so please also keep them in your prayers. One in particular is one of my managers, 1 year old daughter has just started her cancer journey, please pray for God's healing hands on this little one. It has been hard to watch my Dad go through this...I can't imagine being 1 year old and enduring all the poking and prodding that goes along with it, let alone trying to explain to her what is going on. So please keep little Letty in your prayers.

That is the update for now! Thanks again for following along! Happy 2 Year Anniversary Dad!

Today we are celebrating my Husbands 47th Birthday...it got cut short 2 years ago...so this evening will be all about him! Happy Birthday David, I love you!!


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