I am trying to type and update this blog thru the tears running down my face!! This week was MRI week! I have been on pins and needles all morning, and yes...I have news!

Life has been busy for all of us since the last update. I was busy planning our District Lions Convention at the end of February, David was Ice Road Trucking for the past 21 days, Jason was doing his thing, and Mom and Dad were living life to the fullest everyday.

We all have been trying to live as much of a normal life as we possibly can over these past 21 1/2 months, but it has been hard. Mom and Dad took David and I out for supper last night and on our way home we both agreed that any time we get to spend with them is truly a gift! With David's Mom no longer with us, he and I have really realized that this past year. 

This journey has not been a fun one and it has had many ups and downs, hills and valleys, rivers and oceans, but it has been our journey as we have travelled it together as best we can. We have met new people, reconnected with old friends and family and drawn closer to each other. The prayer chains and well wishes have been so overwhelming and beautiful! We appreciate everyone of you!

But you all came here for the news so I guess I better let you all know! Every Blog I say at some point that the BEAST better pack its bags and vacate my Dad's Brain...well it is finally listening and has almost moved out completely! All it has left behind is a piece of dirt the size of a PINHEAD!!! You read that correct...the BEAST is almost gone! THANK YOU JESUS!!

Dad's platelets are back down to 52 but they will retest in 2 weeks and see where things are at that time. This Chemo is obviously working and so once the platelets come back up they will attack again and God willing that little prick will be completely gone! Our God still preforms miracles and my Dad is a prime example of that.

We have one more small prayer request (of course continue as usual), but cataracts have formed in Dad's eyes. His oncologist doesn't see and issue with removing them but they can't go ahead until his platelets go back up. So please pray for eyesight healing as well!!

Again thank you all for your continued support in our crazy journey...we love you all!

~ Shannon for The Neufelds ~


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