I Have Told 100 People...

Time for an update to the Blog!! What's with the title you may ask?? When I called Mom and Dad this morning to ask how things were going...Dad summed it up in one sentence..."I have told 100 people...if the Doctors didn't keep telling me I was sick, I would think I was healthy!"

Well do I even have to continue with this update? OK I will...because you all apparently like reading it!

In my last update, I spoke of Dad's major Chemo Treatment (all in one day, then nothing for 6 weeks). Well after that first round they did bloodwork and you guessed it...his platelets plummeted to 45. So the Doctor said no to more chemo until his levels came back up. 

With this round of Chemo Dad has been dealing with dry mouth at night. He has tried different remedies and the best one he has come up with is eating Pickled Herring of all things. I'm thinking it is the salt content that is making his saliva glands go into overdrive!! Best part is...when he returns to bed and tries to give Mom a kiss...she promptly responds (Que Grumpy Old Men) "I ain't kissing no Mackerel"...LOL!!

Well we think the stinky fish is doing more then combatting his dry mouth...Herring is very high in Iron and with the Liver and Spinach Mom also makes him eat his Platelets have been climbing. 2 Weeks after his "45" reading they went up to 135, the doctor wanted him to wait another week to see what they would do and they climbed to 205 (the highest they have been in a long time). So with that he started his second round of 1 day 7 Pills and nothing for 6 weeks Chemo Regime!!

The day after taking all his pills he made the suggestion that Mom hadn't made donuts for a long time...so being the good wife she is...she made donuts!! She is so good to him (I thanked her for being such a good wife to my Dad...lol).

Anyway, I don't think there is much more to update...things are going just swell with our Miracle Man! Keep the prayers coming. Dad's next MRI is March 8th with results on the 10th...maybe this time the BEAST will have vacated!!


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