Not What We Wanted to Hear...But it is what it is!!

I can't believe it is almost Christmas. As I sit here in my cozy home, in front of my Christmas Tree and Christmas Village, watching a Christmas Movie, I am pondering on the past year and a half and am reminded just how lucky we are. When the news first broke in May of 2021 our future looked bleak and completely different then what we are living now. I imagined the future Christmases without my Dad and it broke my heart. Christmas has always been our favourite season in the Neufeld family, and imagining Christmas without him was not something I ever wanted to do. Now we are a month out and Dad is still with us and still fighting the BEAST. 

Christmas will be low key this year with probably just David and I going up to see my folks as Dad will be starting a new Chemo Regiment and we are not sure how it will effect him. Yup you read that right...he is starting a new type of Chemo treatment.

He had his followup appointment with his Oncologist yesterday in Winnipeg. The results are not what we wanted to hear but they only get us to fight even harder. The BEAST has grown again and so now Dad will start a "one pill" Chemo treatment. This next Wednesday he will take One Pill and then nothing for 6 weeks and then take One Pill and nothing for 6 weeks. The Dr believes this treatment will target the tumour more aggressively and hopes the platelets will be effected less then they are now as they have gone down again.

When I asked Mom and Dad how they wanted me to update the Blog, Mom asked that I ask for prayer for her peace of mind, as she is not as knowledgeable on this treatment as she has been in the past. She is quite nervous so please pray that she starts feeling better about it once she reads up on it. She says Dad is still doing very good, but sees little differences in him as he continues to fight.

I asked her how Dad took the news, as he can get quite down, but she said he totally trusts whatever his Doctor says. He remains quite optomistic which is a huge bonus while he is fighting! I have always known my Dad was a strong man, but I didn't realize just how strong. With what he has endured these past 18 months has only made me realize his strength.

David and I are sneaking away the week before Christmas which will be great. I will update the Blog again after Christmas when we return.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas from our Family to yours! God Bless you All!

~ The Neufeld Clan (Helmut, Rosana, Jason, Shannon, David, Belle & Felicity, and of course Max, Ruby and Sasha)


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