Well SH*T...

It has been just a minute since I updated this Blog...lets just say we have been enjoying our summer and making the best of each day we have been given.

Dad has been feeling amazing and has been doing so well. When he first got sick Belle told him he had to fight so he could be at her graduation and celebrate this milestone with her. He did just that!

We were at Austin with our Museum family as usual at the end of July and all though he couldn't drive his tractors he still had a great time with all his friends and family. His friend Bill Newton from Saskatchewan was able to make it out so the two of them spent a couple of days catching up and trying to stay out of trouble. I just love this picture I took of them. On the last day of the reunion Dad's friend Jake drove Dad's tractor thru the parade and Dad rode on his combine...his smile when from ear to ear.

After Reunion Mom and Dad decided that because Dad was doing so well health-wise that they would
take a road trip to Alberta, just to relax and see old friends. They were gone for about 3 weeks and had the trip of a life time. They visited friends in Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary...went to Banff and other places I can't remember. They spent a week with my Aunt and Cousin in Edmonton. My Uncle was in hospital so they were able to go visit him everyday that they were there. I am so happy they were able to take this time just to be together and travel our beautiful country. When they got back we all got together again at the museum and spent September Long together. Mom and Dad had been invited to Tianna Bodie's wedding, so they got dressed in their best and headed to the wedding. I think they both looked great!

So all in all we had a great summer and are very thankful for all the time we have been able to spend together. Now for the reason you all come and read this crazy Blog of mine...

Dad had a MRI this past Wednesday. Everything went great with them only needing to jab him once to get the IV in. They were able to see some friends on Thursday as they waited for the results Friday morning. I was on pins and needles all this morning waiting for the news. Unfortunately it wasn't the news we were hoping for. It seems the BEAST is still residing in Dad's Brain and has decided to flex its muscles to show us that we have more work to do to evict it! The BEAST has grown a small amount and so Dad will start Chemo again in the coming week or so. He will be on 1/3 of the dose he was on before. The Doctors are very optimistic that because he is in such good health and is quite strong, that we may have caught it in time for it to shrink again. Mom says it looks like there is more swelling then growth so that is good news.

So what now? We as a family continue to ask for your prayers. Dad is still our miracle and we continue to thank God for the many Blessings He has given us this past year and a half. My Dad is a fighter and we will continue fighting along side him. Please continue your prayers, and please continue fighting along side us. 

If I have my way, Helmut Neufeld will be with us for many more years to come! Thank you and we love you all!

~ Shannon ~ for the Neufeld Family


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