Anniversary Greetings and BEAST News!!

This is going to be an amazing update to write! Things have been going amazing in the Neufeld world as of late. Let's start back at Easter.

Easter weekend Belle and I decided to head to Mom and Dad's as David was away working in Sarnia so it was just her and I. There was an impending storm so we left on Wednesday (I worked from Shoal Lake and Belle did her school remotely as well). While there I put in to motion "Operation 50th Anniversary". With Dad's health this past year, Mom didn't want to plan anything because of the unknown...but I couldn't let that happen, they have been married for 50 years (June 10, 1972) and Dad was still with we had to celebrate!! Mom just happened to move her photo albums upstairs into the bedroom where Belle and I were sleeping, and somehow their Wedding Albums made it into my suite case!! Not sure how it really happened but it did! LOL

I wanted it to be a complete surprise so I needed to rally the troops! Thank you to Aunt Gloria, Lise Mitchler and Carol Hamm for all your help! What started out as a Come & Go afternoon ended up being a beautiful catered dinner at Austin Hall with 75 of Mom and Dad's nearest and dearest friends. The BEST surprise of the evening was being able to surprise Mom and Dad with her siblings from Barry Ontario and Edmonton Alberta! She saw Uncle Len and Aunt Glenda just after Thanksgiving but she hadn't seen Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Larry for 3 years. See the video below at their reaction.

It was an amazing evening and well worth the 2 1/2 months I spent planning it. There was someone from every year of their marriage and every place they have lived during their marriage tenure. My Cousin Roberta was their flower girl 50 years ago and still had her flower girl dress so she sent it along with her parents. So that was so fun to have that there. 

Instead of gifts we asked for donations for the Canadian Food Grains the moment I believe we raised over $1400.00...thank you to everyone who donated...Mom and Dad's hearts are bursting with this news.

But now for the reason you all read this blog! Dad has been doing amazing. When we were there at Easter he was walking with a walker and couldn't go very far on his own. He was quite weak and to be honest, it was very scary for me to see. He was stronger then a month before that when he had to use a porter chair to get around, so that was positive, but he was still very weak. He had an MRI at the beginning of May, as you read then the BEAST had shrunk. On MRI day, Dad was quite down trodden as it took multiple times to get the IV in and his arms were quite beat up and sore. So on the Friday when we got the new of the turmor shrinking, he cried happy tears and not sad ones.

This past Wednesday was MRI day again. Dad was quite nervous going in because of the last IV fiasco (understandably). Well it only took 1 try to get the IV in which was HUGE!!! His arm was still angry at him but we can handle that! This morning was results day and I am ecstatic to announce that...

His platelets have also gone up to 149...and no more scans until September! So we are looking forward to a wonderful summer of no doctors and continued health! Thank you all again for your unending support and love...we love you all back! Have a Blessed Summer!

~ Shannon, for the Neufelds ~


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