May 29, 2022 ~ 365 Days Later ~ I still have my Dad!!

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write an update. So many things have been happening lately and with Dad doing so well....I keep forgetting.

Thats just it...Dad is doing AMAZING! Its hard to believe that this Sunday May 29th is one year since that dreadful day. This year has had many ups and downs and many questions with an equal amount of answers.

It has been a year of tests and treatments, trials and tribulations! Dad has gone thru all the emotions, some that he has never experiened before. He has been frustrated and victorious...he is such a fighter.

Mom has been such a champion thru all of this...she literally has only had 2 days "off" this entire year...that is when we were camping during his treatments last August...she is a strong strong lady. I am convinced Dad wouldn't be still with us if it wasn't for her. A common saying of Dad's these days, towards Mom is "I love you, but you sure are bossy!" 

Over Easter weekend Belle and I were in Shoal Lake visiting and I was at the end of this! Mom had left to take Max to musical practice, Dad had just woken up from his nap and decided he wanted to fix the window trim...which meant he had to go to the garage and get some nails, he was still quite unsteady on his I stood in front of him as he was heading out the door and told him in no uncertain terms that he was NOT GOING IN THE GARAGE...he took one look at me and said "You are just like your Mother!" and proceeded to walk past me!

I was able to go with Mom and Dad on a road trip/visit day to Grunthal to see Jake and Helen Janzen and Uncle Albert and Shirley! It was a great day of fun, laughter and love! Dad was still wheelchair bound at this time so it took some figuring! (He is getting stronger and is able to walk again but I can explain that later). It was so great to see everyone and to get out for the day!

I now lay here and it’s 240am. I’m thinking back to the day that changed the trajectory of our year! Waking up that morning, we were planning to celebrate Davids Birthday…that changed with that one Phone call followed by the Morden Police visit (mom couldn’t get a hold of me). I woke up not knowing if my Dad was going to survive the day…and here we are 1 year later with him getting stronger and doing so well! The BEAST is shrinking, Dad is walking and getting stronger, God is so good!

Today I am grateful…Today I remember…but this year I choose to celebrate my husbands birthday TODAY!! Happy Birthday David🥰!!


  1. So wonderful to read this good news update. Very glad to have sat behind your parents at church this morning! Both looking great.


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