The struggle is real!

It’s been a bit since I updated the Blog. As I write this David and I are on our way to Dominican Republic for our Honeymoon, yes we have been married for almost 11 years…but better late then never! After the year we have had with Dad and with David’s Mom passing unexpectedly on Feb 12th…we need this time away badly!!

Dad is doing as can be expected with an inoperable brain tumour! As I last reported the BEAST has shrunk but it is still wreaking havoc on his body! Dad is very weak and requires a porter chair to move around. This is very difficult for him as he has been independent his entire life!

They purchased a lift chair for him a few weeks back, as it was getting to difficult for Mom and Jason to get him off the couch to transport him to where he needed to go! It has been a blessing yet also a curse as now he can get up by himself and walk, which doesn’t always work out for him. He has had a few fainting spells, but his stubbornness doesn’t help matters either!

I was able to go to Shoal Lake last weekend and spend time with them which was much needed. I got to witness some of what Mom and Jason deal with on a daily basis…as hard as it was to see, I have a better understanding of what they are all going through. Dad thinks he can do what he use to and when Mom says he can’t, he looks at her and says “I love you, but you are so pushy”…LOL! We also had a nice visit with John and Penny Badowski from Swan River on Sunday! It was great to see them!

We had our virtual Lions Convention while I was there. It was a great day which included me being voted in as 2nd Vice District Governor Elect of District 5M13. This is quite an honour for me and I look forward to the position! Dad was District Governor 4 years ago…so I have a great role model to follow!

Last week Mom and Dad received a letter from Dr. Jason Beako, who was the neurosurgeon who did Dad’s biopsy. They were not expecting to hear from him, so all our hopes were up that surgery could be done. Unfortunately that is not the case, he was just wanting to follow up and see how Dad was doing. Apparently surgery could possibly be a thing in the future if the BEAST keeps shrinking but not at this time. Dad asked him why he was so weak, the Dr explained that Dad is fighting one of the hardest cancers there is to fight, and he is fighting it very hard! The Chemo is still at work and the steroid doesn’t help matters! He said to keep fighting and doing what he is doing, as they are all happy and surprised at how things are progressing.

So that is the latest update in our journey! I will post when we are at our resort! The bar cart is about to pass our row…so let the honeymoon begin!!


  1. Prayers for your dad and family. Rosana is a star!

  2. We too are praying, and I agree with Christa, Rosana your a star! What an example of true love


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