Merry Christmas...Happy New Year...and all that Jazz!!

As I sit here and wait for David to get out of his medical procedure I thought I would update the blog. I asked Dad this morning what I should all say and he said to wait for a bit. So I reminded him that I haven't updated since Thanksgiving, so I got the go ahead.

As I said in the last update, the fight is real. Dad has gotten quite weak and has had a couple of "Stumbles"...ya I'll call them stumbles.  Because of this he was given a CT Scan to see if there were any bleeds and to give a general view of what was going on. Nothing of concern was found so that was great news. We have to keep reminding ourselves that he is sick, so weakness and instability all come with it.

After the last round of Chemo his Platelets tanked to a low of 19 (his Oncologist won't do a infusion until they hit 10). They have managed to climb back up to 48 but at the last blood work had gone down to 46. So they are waiting to hear from the Oncologist for further plans of action. Please pray that a plan is put in place and he can continue with treatments.

Throughout my years I have been use to a Dad that has great patience for most things. Since he got sick that has left him for the most part. I don't know if the treatments have hightened his senses or if the BEAST is just sitting on a nerve. Things that haven't bothered him in the past, annoy him now, which is very hard for us to wrap our heads around. I came to the realization the other day that Dad doesn't know how to be sick. All the rest of us have had some kind of serious illness sometime in our lives and we know how to be sick, but Dad has only ever dealt with Glaucoma and Asthma, so he really doesn't know how to be sick (if that's a thing). He is use to having energy beyond energy and go, go, go. Before the night of his seizures he worked as usual at the same pace he always has, and then stopped as he knew it! We now are the ones that need patience with him. He felt really good the other day and thought he could clear snow, that was not the case and a realization for him that maybe he can't do everything like he use to.

They were able to come to our house for Christmas which was such a blessing. Back in May I didn't know if I would even have him anymore to celebrate with. I made a huge Chicken Dinner with all the fixings, we opened gifts, watched a Christmas movie and just spent time together. Both our girls were home with us, Jason was there and our "adopted" daughter Zainab also joined us! It was a really nice time and a holiday I will cherish forever. Mom and Dad were going to stay until the 27th but decided to head home as there was an impending snow storm. They left after breakfast on the 26th and made it home just in time for the snow. Mom and Dad ended up staying in the new hotel in town, as Mom didn't want Dad doing stairs. As much as I would have liked them to stay with us I completely understand.

They were able to join good friends of theirs for New Years as they have for the past 3 years. I am sure the meal was amazing and the fellowship as well. These days they spend their time in doors as it is so flipp'n cold here in Manitoba (most of us are not venturing to far out).

We wish you all an Amazing 2022 full of love, laughter and health. May God Bless you with all things you need in this New Year. Please pray for our family as we continue to navigate this thing called Cancer and as it continues to become our new "normal". My wish this year is the two big C's (Cancer and Covid) take a hike and leave us alone, I pray both are eradicated every day!

Happy New Year to you all!!

For The Neufeld's



  1. Continuing to hold Helmet and your families in my thoughts and prayers. Each day together is truly a blessing to treasuee

  2. Thinking of all of you and following Helmut's journey. Bud & I pray for peace and comfort for all of you, courage and strength. So glad you were all together for Christmas.
    Rosemarie & Bud Carriere
    Portage la Prairie

  3. Please accept a huge virtual hug from Dar and me.
    Bob and Darlene Baker

  4. I am thinking of Helmut and your entire family as you face this difficult challenge. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs to all of you!


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