It's Finally Thanksgiving!!!

Since starting this Blog, I have always said I would be 100% honest with my readers...even if the truth hurts, this journey has not been all teddy bears and bunny rabbits.

Yesterday was an emotional day to say the least. I think I had convinced myself that Dad wasn't sick and that I wouldn't see a difference in him since the last time I saw him. But the reality is that there is a difference. This past week was not so good for him...he is in the middle of his 23 days break from Chemo but it is definitely doing things to his body...not so good things, but we are living in faith that with the not so good things that it is doing what its supposed to do, killing the BEAST! At the beginning of the week Dad had become quite unstable and balance was not his friend. Mom also noticed that his memory was lagging and he wasn't as sharp as he normally is. She got on the phone right away with Cancer Care and it was decided to try him on a steroid to hopefully reduce swelling to his brain. As of yesterday it seems that was the issue, his balance has returned and he seems to be remembering things more clearly. To me he looks tired, he is quiet and just seems tired. The thing I noticed the most and maybe its just a little thing but the wave in his hair is gone, the wave that has always been there is now poker straight! Then I think to myself "hey, at least he still has hair"...with chemo that could be very different.

We were finally able to get together as a family and celebrate a late Thanksgiving. My Uncle Len and Aunt Glenda from Barrie Ontario are out visiting, so we were anticipating a great day. David, the girls and I left Morden bright and early and arrived in Shoal Lake at 1115am. Dad was sleeping when we got there, so we said our hellos to the rest of the family and waited for him to join us (the little girl inside me wanted to crawl in beside him, but I contained myself). 

Dad has always been famous for his Prime Rib Roasts, and he didn't disappoint yesterday either. It was probably the BEST one he has was Amazing!!

Our day was filled with lots of visiting, food, drinks, laughter and love. It was so nice to spend it with Uncle Len and Aunt Glenda, we hadn't seen them for at least 5 years, so its always great to catch up. It was nice to see our girls open up and connect with Aunt Glenda...she is such a beautiful soul and it makes my heart swell to witness my girls experience her love for them. I think it did us all good to spend this special time with them. Family is healing and so I know it also was a help for Dad.

Uncle Len and Aunt Glenda celebrated 55 Years of Wedded Bliss this is so nice to see how very much they are in love with each other. A legacy to definitely strive for. Happy Anniversary to them!

So as emotional as I have been these past 2 days, it does my heart good knowing that we have a loving family on our side, praying and fighting as hard as we are for Dad. Our support system is overflowing, and I am at peace knowing that whatever the outcome, we are all going to be ok. Yes, Dad is tired, but why would I expect any less...he is fighting for his life and it can't be easy. His memory may fail but I know that he loves me and he has for the past 43 years...I will always be his little girl, and if it happens one day that he doesn't remember who I am in his mind, his heart will always know that he loves me and that I love him. Dad has an appointment with his Oncologist this next week, so the next steps will be decided. We pray for the doctors and the plan they have for Dad's treatment. God created the Doctors and His work is being done through their hands.

Cancer SUCKS and I don't wish this journey on anyone. But if me writing this blog helps even one person on their journey, then its purpose has been fulfilled. I know my Dad can beat this, and I pray everyday that he does. I also know that my Dad has Faith in the Lord and he knows where he is going when his time on earth is complete, and that also gives me a sense of peace. We don't know how many more minutes, hours, days, years we have with each other, so we make what time we have special as long as we can. 

Please continue to keep us all in your prayers, especially my parents. Mom is also tired and needs a break. Jason is home from the hospital now, so she is also helping him mend, so she doesn't have much time for herself. Depending on how Dad is doing, she will be joining me for some much needed Mother/Daughter time next week at Thermea in Winnipeg. We both are looking forward to our time together, a time of love, laughter and hopefully rejuvenation. Please pray that we will be able to have this time together as I think we both need it. 

There is so much sickness and pain going on in this world and everyone is going through their own stuff, so thank you for taking a bit of time and including us in your stuff. We are grateful for each and every one of you.

For the Neufeld Family,

~ Shannon ~

A neat picture I took yesterday...this picture has 3 Helmuts in it....can you find them??


  1. Praying for your whole family Shannon. I will be checking in with your parents probably this Wednesday. Thanks for opening your heart to all of us.
    Hugs ❤ friend 🤗


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