Prayers for MRI Results!!

Hello all! Just a quick message…not really and update but kinda!

Update first: Dads body has decided that it can start regenerating Platelets and White Blood Cells again! Very exciting news! I’m not sure of exact numbers but I know at last test his platelets were in the mid 200’s which is AWESOME!!

Now the prayer part: Dad has doctor appointments this coming Friday where his MRI results will be shared and the next steps will be decided!

We continue to live in the Faith Beyond the Facts that the tumour is gone! But we will take it one day at a time and deal with whatever they tell us!

Thanks for your continued prayers and support! We really appreciate it!!

God Bless!

~ Shannon ~


  1. I continue to hold Helmut and your family in my thoughts and prayers. May your faith continue to bring you the courage and strength to face whatever comes


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