Com'mon Ring That Bell

Where has the last Month gone? I came to be with Mom and Dad on July 12th and in the next 2 hours I will be headed back home and back to some sort of normal. This summer has been one for the history books....the only thing I would change would be Dad's Cancer.

In my last post I had said that Tuesday was Dad's 73rd Birthday. We surprised him with close friends of ours, Ron and Lise Mitchler. Them being here was what it took to turn Dads frown upside down. We had a great visit and evening with them. Thank you for surprising him Ron and Lise.

Tuesday afternoon Mom had noticed Petechiae on Dads feet and legs which apparently it a sure sign of low platelets. Thank goodness Mom was a nurse...I don't know what anyone else going thru this would do without a nurse in their life. I would have never know what "petechiae" was or what to even look for. Anyway because of the he was scheduled for Platelet Infusion Wednesday afternoon. This procedure takes about 1 1/2 hours and is done by IV. Dad of course was a trouper and had amazing energy afterwards when he got home. Thank goodness for modern medicine.

On Friday, the 3 of us headed to Cancer Care early enough for Dad to have another blood test done and then down to Radiation for his LAST Treatment...the one where he got to ring the bell! It was very emotional to say the least. I one point in the video I make quite the face (it was just me Dad ringing that bell was the most joyous sound I have ever heard. We then had to wait until 1pm for Dads doctors appointment. Even the doctors are amazed at how well Dad handled everything and how well he was doing. The only bad news (according to Dad) was that he won't be able to drive for at least 1 year. I told him to look at the bright side...they originally gave him 9-12 telling him he can drive in a year, they have already surpassed that prognosis! (you gotta see the positive in everything).

Well, this is the last post for the next little while. Dad has to be back in Winnipeg to see his Doctor and hopefully have a MRI in 5 weeks time so we can see where everything is at that time. My hubby is pulling our camper home this afternoon and Mom and Dad are taking theirs to Austin tomorrow morning. I will update as more news or updates happen. If you want to visit Dad please give Mom a call first to see how he is! Thank you for all the prayers and support you have given us during this time. God Bless You all!


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