The Waiting Game

Dad's most important job now was to rest and heal from the biopsy surgery. He had 4 screws screwed into his head and a 2" incision with 9 staples that needed to heal. He had also a lot of muscle damage from the seizures, so his main responsibility was to rest and heal. Jason and I had both returned home and Mom was still at my Aunts.

Between phone calls with Doctors, Nurses and Dad, Mom and my Aunt were able to go on little adventures (if going home to Shoal Lake is an adventure), visit with each other and generally support each other as my Aunt was recently widowed. Everything considered they had a good time together.

Dad was going to be released Friday June 4th, so we had to figure out where they would stay so they were close to the hospital. My Aunt offered her home to them but with the stairs, Mom didn't think that would be the best. As most of you know Dad, Mom, David and I are Lions Members and our Foundation in Winnipeg has "Serenity Suites" located at the Lions Manor on Sherbrook Street. I was able to book Mom and Dad in there so they were close to the hospital if needed. Mom was nervous about going all the way to Shoal Lake (3 1/2 hours from Winnipeg) in case Dad was to have another seizure. Even though the Suites had 2 Twin Beds, Dad was out of the hospital and they were together. I Facetimed them that evening and Dad was sitting at the table enjoying a home cooked meal that Mom made...he certainly missed her cooking.

During this time our Lions Friends decided that Mom and Dad didn't need to carry this burden alone so they started fundraising for them to help with medical costs. We have amazing medical in Canada but there are the costs of food, travel and accommodations that most people forget about until something happens to them. Because of the generosity of people all over the world Mom and Dad wont have to have that stress for quite sometime. There is a Go Fund Me Page set up for them as well. We as a family are very grateful and humbled by the support that has been shown for us. I think the prayer support has overwhelmed us the most. Dad literally has people praying all of the World for him (USA, Canada, Australia and name a few). Thank you for all your support.

We (David, Belle and I) decided to bring our camper to Austin with the thoughts that if Dad was to leave the city at all while there, they would make their way to the Museum and we would get to see them. Sure enough on Sunday June 6 they showed up for the day. What a glorious reunion it was (yes there were tears shed). We all had a great day visiting and just being with each other. Memories we will never forget. The guys took Dad to look at the fields while there, so yes he was in his glory!

On Tuesday June 8th they were given the go ahead to return to Shoal Lake as Dad was stable enough to be at home. So still not knowing what the action plan was or the direction our lives were going to go in the near future, they headed home to try and keep themselves occupied as they continued to wait for the news.

At this time I would like to thank all the staff a Health Science Center in Winnipeg for the impeccable care that was given to Dad while he was there. The updates that they gave Mom whenever she called or when they called her were second to none. People may not have nice things to say about our health care system especially during these crazy Covid times, but our family as treated with the utmost care and respect!

Link to Go Fund Me Page:


  1. The Manitoba Cancer Society and the Canadian Cancer Society has funding available for food, travel and other expenses. Also keep all your receipts, even for parking, as these are all tax deductible….
    All the best to you all!!
    Lion Leslie Legros


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