Now that we have direction.....?!?!?!

As much as I am happy we have some answers and a direction to go in when it comes to treatment of the "BEAST" it still isn't closure! My Dad STILL has Cancer, we STILL don't know the outcome, there is STILL the possibility that their prognosis is right (I pray daily that they are wrong), we as a family STILL have to endure whatever awaits us, and Dad STILL has the fight of his life ahead of him! Thank you Lord that he is so strong! I asked him last weekend if he was scared...he thought about it for a bit and said "No, I'm not scared!" You see my Dad is a very faithful man and loves the Lord with all his being! If this "goes South" as he says, he knows where he is going and if he ends up going before us, we all live in the peace of knowing he will be in a better place and we will anxiously wait for our glorious reunion in Heaven. Yes it will SUCK for us left behind...but live in the Faith and Love of our Father God and the promises of His Eternity!

Anyway enough of the sad stuff! These last 4 weeks have been so very difficult for our entire family, friends and relatives. But on the other hand they have been the most rewarding and amazing. Dad has always been one to respond with a "me too" or "uh huh" when we tell him we love him. Those words have changed into "I Love You Too" certainly warms the heart when you actually hear the words. We have spent many hours and days with Mom and Dad, creating lasting memories. We have seen them every weekend in Austin, FaceTime with them multiple times a day when not together. The hugs have become less of a "thing we do" to "we don't want to let go". I'm sorry if you are tearing up while reading this (I can't see my computer screen through mine right now)...but like I said...I write from my heart! My Dad is a WARRIOR and a HERO...I tell him this every Father's Day and Birthday...but to me it is a constant.

Last weekend one of our Austin Family Members fired up his Steam Engine just to take Dad for a ride (he has never been on one going on its own steam). It was a beautiful sight to see the smile on his went from ear to ear!

Thank you to Garrett Bodie for taking the time to do this for is something we will all remember! For those of you that don't know (like that is even possible) but Dad is a Gas Man so being on a Steam Engine is a rarity! This is more his speed...

Another first for both Dad and I happened 2 weeks ago when I took him for a ride on my Spyder "Charlotte", for one I just got my license and Dad does not like motorbikes. He exclaimed after our quick ride around the museum that he was ever to get a bike it would be a Spyder. Another great memory.

I have a friend that lives in Alberta who is an amazing Artist. I saw one of the water colors she was working on an quickly contacted her to purchase it. It would be the perfect Father's Day Gift for Dad. When he opened it he exclaimed "It's a McCormack" had the wrong type of tractor on it and he made sure I knew it! We of course all laughed because he was just being his crazy self! I know he actually loved it McCormack and all! Thank you Lisa for the beautiful chance to purchase one of your masterpieces.

Sorry this Blog is so one-sided, but I'm the one writing it so of course it will be from my perspective. Mom and Dad also read it daily and give their input. So it is what it is!

So back to the action plan. Mom and Dad have to be in Winnipeg at Cancer Care for all of Dad's treatments. Now where to stay was the big question. They could stay at the Serenity Suites again, but the thought of having to sleep in twin beds isn't at the top of there list. They were discussing with their friends Harold and Marianne and came up with the plan to pull their camper July 2nd to "Town and Country Campground" near Tinker Town for the duration of the treatments. This way they are 1/2 hour from Cancer Care and they can sleep in their own bed. Perfect idea! This of course got me thinking and I spoke to my work, not thinking that they would allow me to do this since I just started in December, but I will also be bringing our camper July 12th to the same campground right beside Mom and Dad. My company is allowing me and has set me up to work remotely so I can be there for my parents during Dad's treatments. This will make me part of their bubble and allow me to do whatever they need me to do. Thank you Valley Fiber for being so family oriented and helpful.

Thank you for reading my ramblings. This will be the last update for a bit as now we wait for treatment to start...unless something incredible happens. These past 7 Blogs now have you caught up to present day. God Bless You All!

People have been asking for the Go Fund Me Link so I am going to post it at the end of each post. Any monies that are raised that Mom and Dad do not use for medical expenses will be donated and paid forward to another important cause. We want to thank everyone in advance for their support.


  1. Thank you for sharing from the heart. Yes, my eyes are filled with tears. I recall too well the cancer journey with my husband, only 11 short years ago. These are the hardest days you will ever face, but also ones that can draw you closer to the Lord. I am looking forward to that reunion in heaven, so whatever comes, healing here on earth or perfect healing in heaven,God is in control.
    Ruth Hiebert

  2. Good old Hymn #400 in the hymn book I used as a child:

    Fight the good fight with all thy might,
    Christ is thy strength, and Christ thy right;
    Lay hold on life and it shall be
    Thy joy and crown eternally.

    Run the straight race through God's good grace'
    Lift up thine eyes, and seek His face.
    Life with its path before us lies,
    Christ is the way, and Christ the prize.

    Cast care aside, lean on thy Guide;
    His boundless mercy will provide;
    Trust, and the trusting soul shall prove
    Christ is its life, and Christ its love.

    Faint not, nor fear, his arms are near,
    He changeth not, and thou art dear;
    Only believe, and thou shalt see
    That Christ is all in all to thee.
    ............John Samuel Bewley Monsell, 1811-1875

  3. Thank you Shannon, your writing is easy to read! We pray daily for strength for the days ahead for all of your family!

  4. Shannon you write from the heart and that comes through on the tear stained printed page. My wife and I have resolved to accompany your family on this difficult journey with our daily prayers.
    We believe in a God that works his miracles for the good of all concerned. To that end we will pray for Helmut and family that Helmut's faith will continue guide and keep him and that God will continue to give Helmut and family the strength required for this journey. God bless you and keep you.


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