May 29th - Continued

 Once Dad was on his way to Winnipeg, Mom went back to the camper to pack a few things and wait for Jason to come pick up Max. They spent some time together and Mom headed to the city to be closer to Dad. I on the other hand was at home in Morden walking around in complete shock (as were Mom and Jason) trying to comprehend what was going on! It was my husbands birthday so I should have been celebrating but instead I was getting ready to join  Mom in the city!

Dad arrived at HSC around 1pm. I met Mom at my cousins house around 3 and from there we tried to plan what we were going to do! Because of Covid we couldn’t go to the hospital so I guess you could say we were hanging in Limbo! We ended up staying at my Aunts house which was close to the hospital just in case we were needed!

Once we were settled we got a call from the hospital that Dad was stable and was going for a MRI at 830 that evening. We both had a restless night as we waited for an update. Sunday morning we got the call that the tumour was 2.4x3cm and that Dad was slated for biopsy surgery Monday Morning. The nursing staff and doctors at HSC were very attentive and answered all our questions! 

They brought the phone to Dad at lunch time and called us…he was very hard to understand (he had bitten his tongue during a seizure) but it was so good to hear his voice! We also then realized Mom had his hearing aids so we quickly packed them up, printed off some family pictures (so he could see us) and brought it to the hospital.

We spoke to him again at supper and it was way better as he could now hear us and we could understand him better. The surgeon called and went over the procedure as well as asked Mom the consent questions. Mom asked the size of the tumour just to clarify and was told it was 1.2x1.6cm…so 2 hospitals either measured wrong or the good Lord shrunk it (I believe the latter). At the same time the nurse went to tell Dad that he would be going into surgery the next morning and the surgery was on his brain, Dads response…”Holy Crap, this is serious”!!


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