May 29 - The Day Our Lives Changed

At the beginning of May, Mom and Dad moved their camper up to the Agriculture Museum in Austin as they have in the past to live in their happy place for the summer! Dad had been up at the camper by himself a few times but the weekend of the 29th Mom and Max were with him! Friday was a typical day with Dad putting around, cutting grass and keeping busy as he usually does. He went to bed before Mom that evening as he was more tired then usual.

At 4am on May 29th Mom woke up to Dad seizing beside her in bed. She quickly moved into nurse mode, got him on his side and called 911. With the Ambulance ordered she ran to the neighbors trailer and woke Ron up to go meet the ambulance at the gate. Jake and Carol were also there to help where needed and help keep Mom calm.

When the paramedics arrived Dad started having a second seizure. They got him stabilized, removed him from the camper and started loading him into the ambulance just as he went into his 3rd seizure. At this time he was given anti seizure meds and rushed to Portage Hospital. Once there the doctor asked Mom if he could do an emergency CT Scan, she of course agreed and waiting for the results. The doctor came back to her saying there was no bleed or stroke but they found a tumour. (Not the news she was wanting to hear). 

The doctor had already been in contact with the neurosurgeons at Health Science Center and they wanted him in ASAP! There was an intubation team ready to get Dad on his way to Winnipeg and the neurosurgeons waiting for him in the city! We as a family can’t be more thankful for how the medical professionals were in the right place at the right time and ready to help!

Because of Covid mom didn’t think she would be allowed to see him but the doctor at portage allowed her in to be with him which was a huge blessing! She was able to be with him until they loaded him into the ambulance and off to Winnipeg!


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