
Showing posts from August, 2023

Well F*ck!!

Let see if I can write this thru the many tears I am shedding! The MRI results are in and they are not good at all! The BEAST has grown substantially and Dr Peats feels that there are tentacles behind the tumour that can’t be seen with the MRI! Because of this the decision was made to cancel all future Chemo Treatments. The plan is to increase his steroid in hopes to give him a better quality of life! So there you have it…the plan going forward is to make Dad as comfortable as possible and pray he can move to Heaven as pain free and peacefully as possible! I haven’t cried this much in months but man is my heart breaking! This summer has been filled with memory making and spending quality time with both Mom and Dad. We spent every weekend at the camper and did all the things. I have noticed a decline almost weekly in Dad, but I just pushed it aside in hopes that I wasn’t really seeing what I was seeing and still holding the dream that my Dad would live forever! It has been so hard to se

Happy 75th Dad!!

~ This is an old picture but I love it ~ Well tomorrow is my Dad's 75th Birthday!! 2 years ago we didn't know if he would make 73 and here we are about to celebrate 75!! God's is so GOOD!! How will he going to Regina to get the final measurements in one eye for Cataract Surgery that will happen August 31st. Happy Birthday to him!! I know he can't wait until the 31st when he will be able to see again (at least out of one eye, second eye will come soon after). August 16th is MRI day, so with that we hope that the BEAST is gone or at least has shrunk or not done anything. If that is the case we are really hoping the Oncologist will grant him a Chemo Break so his body can rejuvenate from all the poison he has taken in. We have noticed of late that he is quite quiet (not much to say), his memory isn't as sharp, and when he is tired he walks bent backwards at the waist (which he doesn't realize when it happens). My hope is if he gets a Chemo Break his B