
Showing posts from November, 2023

One Month Without You!

Hey Dad! How can a month be gone already. Sometimes it feels like you have been gone for years and sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday, some days it doesn't seem real at all (I almost asked Mom how you were the other day). Some days I find myself wondering how my body can produce so many tears and other days I feel like a monster because the day goes by before I realize your death hasn't crossed my mind.  I find myself sitting alone at home and I just burst out crying for no apparent reason, nothing triggers it, it just happens. I cry out to the Lord and ask why, and then the next breath I find myself praising him because you are no longer suffering and you are with him in Heaven, that brings a smile to my face. Grief is a strange thing. I know you want me to be happy and to go on with my life and I am doing the best I can to do that. I go along doing my daily routine and then all of a sudden I hit a wall that makes me stop dead in my tracks. Its the weirdest thing ev