
Showing posts from October, 2023

Obituary for Helmut

This was by far the hardest article to write! I have had words flow out of me for the past 2.5 years for this blog keeping you all informed but this Obit is the finale, it’s the end, my Dad is at rest and not here with us anymore! Thank you to Mom for helping me get the words out. BUT guess what??? We did win the battle…THE BEAST is gone and my Dad has been ultimately HEALED!! Rest easy Dad…I love you beyond words and miss you greatly! JOHN “HELMUT” NEUFELD Surrounded with love and  with  his family  at his side,  John “Helmut” Neufeld  age 75  of Shoal Lake, Manitoba went to his eternal  home  on  October 24, 2023 . Though we are saddened by his passing we rejoice that he is now fully healed and with his Saviour Jesus Christ.   Helmut  was born on August 10,  1948,   in Grunthal, Manitoba and spent his youth living in the small farming community. Eager for adventure he went to Winnipeg where he owned and operated a small cartage company.   In 1971 he met the love of his life, Rosana M

Our Angel Has Earned His Wings!!

My Dad John “Helmut” Neufeld saw the beautiful face of his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ this evening at 811pm. Thank you for all your support and prayers over these past 2 1/2 years! We love you all! Rosana, Jason, Shannon, David, Belle and Felicity

“Daddy I am Here”

So many thoughts going thru my mind as I sit here listening to Dad breathe beside me. There was no reaction when I came in his room this evening after being gone for a week, he didn’t squeeze my hand and he didn’t give me a kiss…but I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”. I talk to him like I talk to Jesus while I pray. I don’t get an audible response but I continue to tell him about my week of District Governor training, I tell him I am here safely, I tell him it’s ok to go home to Heaven. I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”. Mom went home when I got here, she needs to rest. It was hard for her to go but Dad knows she loves him and I know he is a peace with her taking the rest she needs. I tell him every hour how much we all love him. I am told he can hear me… “Daddy I am here”. Jason is on his way to the hospital. Says he won’t stay the night, just wants to come to see his Dad. This is so hard on all of us, but we will get thru as a family unit. Our patriarch is going be

Palliative Care

Hello All! It is with a heavy heart that I update the blog with the news that Dad had a seizure on Saturday and he is now in Palliative Care at Minnedosa Hospital! Mom had made arrangements for Occupational Therapy to come to the house today to assess what was needed to help her care for him, but the good Lord took care of that and now he is in hospital. I know they both wanted to keep him home as long as possible…so I guess we know what the definition of “long as possible” is now! He remains very calm and is in no pain which we are very thankful for. Please keep our family in your prayers as we travel through this new journey! As Jason said to his friend on the phone this evening… “We now hurry up and wait, it’s not if, it’s when”. Love Shannon for The Neufeld Family!!