
Showing posts from November, 2022

Not What We Wanted to Hear...But it is what it is!!

I can't believe it is almost Christmas. As I sit here in my cozy home, in front of my Christmas Tree and Christmas Village, watching a Christmas Movie, I am pondering on the past year and a half and am reminded just how lucky we are. When the news first broke in May of 2021 our future looked bleak and completely different then what we are living now. I imagined the future Christmases without my Dad and it broke my heart. Christmas has always been our favourite season in the Neufeld family, and imagining Christmas without him was not something I ever wanted to do. Now we are a month out and Dad is still with us and still fighting the BEAST.  Christmas will be low key this year with probably just David and I going up to see my folks as Dad will be starting a new Chemo Regiment and we are not sure how it will effect him. Yup you read that right...he is starting a new type of Chemo treatment. He had his followup appointment with his Oncologist yesterday in Winnipeg. The results are not