
Showing posts from September, 2022

Well SH*T...

It has been just a minute since I updated this Blog...lets just say we have been enjoying our summer and making the best of each day we have been given. Dad has been feeling amazing and has been doing so well. When he first got sick Belle told him he had to fight so he could be at her graduation and celebrate this milestone with her. He did just that! We were at Austin with our Museum family as usual at the end of July and all though he couldn't drive his tractors he still had a great time with all his friends and family. His friend Bill Newton from Saskatchewan was able to make it out so the two of them spent a couple of days catching up and trying to stay out of trouble. I just love this picture I took of them. On the last day of the reunion Dad's friend Jake drove Dad's tractor thru the parade and Dad rode on his combine...his smile when from ear to ear. After Reunion Mom and Dad decided that because Dad was doing so well health-wise that they would take a road trip to A