
Showing posts from January, 2022

Merry Christmas...Happy New Year...and all that Jazz!!

As I sit here and wait for David to get out of his medical procedure I thought I would update the blog. I asked Dad this morning what I should all say and he said to wait for a bit. So I reminded him that I haven't updated since Thanksgiving, so I got the go ahead. As I said in the last update, the fight is real. Dad has gotten quite weak and has had a couple of "Stumbles"...ya I'll call them stumbles.  Because of this he was given a CT Scan to see if there were any bleeds and to give a general view of what was going on. Nothing of concern was found so that was great news. We have to keep reminding ourselves that he is sick, so weakness and instability all come with it. After the last round of Chemo his Platelets tanked to a low of 19 (his Oncologist won't do a infusion until they hit 10). They have managed to climb back up to 48 but at the last blood work had gone down to 46. So they are waiting to hear from the Oncologist for further plans of action. Please pray