
Showing posts from November, 2021

Remembrance Day ~ A Little Different then Normal

This update isn't a health update, but just some musings of mine. Today is Remembrance Day, a day that in the Neufeld house was as important as Christmas. It was the one day of the year that we as a family would go to Remembrance Day service wherever we were living. It was a day where my Dad took pride in teaching us kids the importance of the day and what it meant. He would drive home the importance of remembering and thanking all those who fought for our freedoms from our past. As a little girl I loved watching Dad polish his High Browns...even if he did use spit to shine them up. I may have thought that was gross at the time, but they sure did come out shiny in the end. Then he would put on those pants that looked like he put bananas in the pant legs, it always made me giggle that he had to wear suspenders to keep them up, I only ever saw bigger guys wear suspenders, so seeing my skinny Dad wear them was amusing. My pride would always swell when he would finish off his ensemble

It's Finally Thanksgiving!!!

Since starting this Blog, I have always said I would be 100% honest with my readers...even if the truth hurts, this journey has not been all teddy bears and bunny rabbits. Yesterday was an emotional day to say the least. I think I had convinced myself that Dad wasn't sick and that I wouldn't see a difference in him since the last time I saw him. But the reality is that there is a difference. This past week was not so good for him...he is in the middle of his 23 days break from Chemo but it is definitely doing things to his body...not so good things, but we are living in faith that with the not so good things that it is doing what its supposed to do, killing the BEAST! At the beginning of the week Dad had become quite unstable and balance was not his friend. Mom also noticed that his memory was lagging and he wasn't as sharp as he normally is. She got on the phone right away with Cancer Care and it was decided to try him on a steroid to hopefully reduce swelling to his brain