
Showing posts from October, 2021

Belated Thanksgiving!!

It has been a minute since I have updated the Blog, but when things are going amazingly well and nothing has really changed...I don't have much to write about. Dad has finished his second round of Chemo. With this round they doubled the dose from the first 6 weeks. So he took the Chemo for 5 days and then had a break for 23 days. At his last blood work his platelets have dropped to 100, the Doctor is confident that he can keep them under control which is positive. I just spoke to Mom and the Docs decided not to increase his Chemo for this round but to keep it at the same for the next 5 days and see what happens next month. He starts this round this coming Wednesday. It sounds like this will be the treatment plan going forward with a MRI here and there to see if the BEAST is behaving or better yet dyeing!! Dad said the Doctor is very pleased with how he is doing and feels like things are going in the right direction. Dad's spirits are still as high as ever, and other then less h