
Showing posts from September, 2021

The Results are in...

Happy Sunday All!! I went to see Mom and Dad yesterday at Austin and the first thing they said to me was "you haven't updated the Blog yet have you...we have been getting calls all day!" 😜 So I guess I better post an update!! Friday was the day of answers. Were they the answers we wanted....yes and no! But lets back up a bit! Since Dad's last treatment (Bell Ringing Day), he has been living his best life! One thing that I have learned about both my parents is that when faced with adversity they take it by the horns and plough through. I have so much more respect for them then I ever have had. They both are my real life heroes! They have just been enjoying every bit of life with each other and with the rest of us. With the crappy hand we were dealt this summer, I can honestly say it was one of the BEST summers I have ever spent with my parents. We just had a beautiful time with each other, reconnecting, growing and just being together. I thank the Lord for the days he

Prayers for MRI Results!!

Hello all! Just a quick message…not really and update but kinda! Update first: Dads body has decided that it can start regenerating Platelets and White Blood Cells again! Very exciting news! I’m not sure of exact numbers but I know at last test his platelets were in the mid 200’s which is AWESOME!! Now the prayer part: Dad has doctor appointments this coming Friday where his MRI results will be shared and the next steps will be decided! We continue to live in the Faith Beyond the Facts that the tumour is gone! But we will take it one day at a time and deal with whatever they tell us! Thanks for your continued prayers and support! We really appreciate it!! God Bless! ~ Shannon ~