
Showing posts from December, 2021

The Fight is Real....but Dad is persevering!!

It has been quite a while since my last update, but I'm sure you all don't want to hear all the mundane stuff like what Dad ate today or how many Christmas Movies he has watched in the last couple of months. Maybe you do, but now you have an excuse to call him and ask him over the phone. Dad finished his third round of chemo at the beginning of November and has reached the end of the 23 day rest period between treatments. Last week he went in to Minnedosa for blood work and the results showed his platelets in the toilet again at 50. So that isn't great news but it is to be expected with all the poison being pushed thru his body. Yesterday he had his MRI to see what the BEAST has been up to these last 3 months...the better then we expected. I had mentioned back in November that he had lost his balance and his short term memory was not the greatest. They started him on a steroid at that time as they thought it was do to swelling of the brain. The steroid worked and